Experience complete dental care all in one place, with tailored Emergency Dental solutions for every dental situation. Rediscover the confidence in your smile with us by your side.
Do you need emergency dental care now? At Emergency Dental of Phoenix, we understand dental emergencies don’t always happen during regular office hours. We provide urgent after-hours dental services for severe tooth pain, chipped or cracked teeth, lost fillings, and other issues requiring immediate treatment. As experienced emergency dentists, we are committed to seeing you right away and providing prompt relief. Don’t wait days or weeks to see a dentist – we are ready to treat your dental emergency today.
Our emergency dental clinic offers fast appointments, usually within an hour of your call. We see patients’ evenings, weekends, and holidays when your regular dentist is not available. Our skilled emergency dentists can perform extraction repairs, stabilizations, pain relief, temporary crowns, and other urgent treatments so you don’t have to suffer with a dental emergency. We accept most dental insurance and work to make emergency dental care affordable and accessible for you and your family.
Don’t delay critical dental treatment. Contact us now and we will schedule an urgent appointment to resolve your dental emergency. Our compassionate emergency dentistry team is standing by 7 days a week to get you out of pain and address any dental trauma. We understand how frightening dental emergencies can be and will provide caring, expert treatment to get you feeling better right away. Call us today for emergency dental services you can rely on.
Emergency rooms and hospitals do not treat tooth issues. Emergency physicians are not trained in dental practice. If you need immediate emergency dental care, schedule an appointment with Emergency Dental of Phoenix as soon as possible.
Emergency Dental of Phoenix accepts nearly all dental insurance plans on an indemnity basis. This means that we contact your insurance provider to determine your coverage, co-pay and out-of-pocket costs. We are contracted with certain private insurances. We are not contracted with the state Medicaid or Medicare programs. In saying this, we do take any insurance plan that will reimburse insurance amounts directly to the clinic. Ask the clinic for more information.
If for some reason we cannot contact your insurance company, you can pay for the treatment out-of-pocket, and your insurance company can reimburse you. The amount covered by insurance can vary depending on the type of treatment and the type of insurance that you have. Our staff will determine your out-of-pocket costs and, if necessary, help you secure financing. We will always communicate the total out-of-pocket cost before any exam or treatment is performed.
If your tooth is broken, chipped or fractured, see your dentist as soon as possible. The tooth inside of the tooth can be exposed to outside elements which can cause it to be damaged further, infected or lead to the loss of the tooth. An easy way to protect a tooth while you wait to visit the dentist is to place a piece of sugar-free gum over the damaged tooth. Treatment for a broken or chipped tooth will depend on how severely it is damaged. If only a small piece of enamel broke off, the repair can usually be done simply in one office visit. A badly damaged or broken tooth may require a lengthier procedure or removal of the tooth.
Swelling is usually an indication of an infection. It is important to have any infection addressed by a dentist as soon as possible. Lingering infections in the mouth can have long-term health effects if left untreated over time.
Follow these tips when caring for yourself at home:
Yes, we can help preserve your tooth. When you come to the office, bring the broken or lost tooth with you. We will take immediate steps to save the tooth and repair the injury.
It is important that you see an emergency dental care office as soon as this happens. The preservation of the tooth depends on the timeliness.
Some members of our staff do speak Spanish. Availability depends on staffing at the time of the appointment. Please call us prior to your visit so that we may accommodate you.
Most of our offices offer some form of sedation dentistry. Please contact the Emergency Dental Care office near you for more information.
Yes. Ask us for more information during your appointment or view our flexible financing options online.
Urgent Dental Care: Instant Relief Awaits – Sign Up and Book Your Emergency Appointment Now!